16 垮台

16 垮台

  在一年内减少62%:Gretchen Morgenson and Geraldine Fabrikant,“Florida's High-Speed Answer to a Foreclosure Mess," New Yorle Times,September 4,  2010。

奥兰治县和奥西奥拉县就审结了1319桩案子: Ibid。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址清理止赎案件: Kimberly Miller,“Extra Help Hired to Pare Caseload,”Patm .Beach Post, July 8, 2010。

这个住房可偿付调整计划到底是什么: ForeclosHl<e Hamlet,“Extra Extra Read All About It!  Calling All Retired Judges for Easy Weekly Extra Money to Sit and Deny Deny Deny! ! !" posted by user "Jen" on July 23, 2010。

我了解病痛,我了解离婚:Rhonda Swan,“Legislature Did Not Approve $ 9.6 million for Judges to Listen Only to Lenders,” Palm Beach Post, September 23, 2010。

律师马克·斯托帕发现在他代理的一起案件中,法官还没庭审就做出了判决。 Mark Stopa,  "When Do Judges Decide Who Wins a Foreclosure Case?" August 20,2010,www.stayinmyhome. com/blog/when-do-j udges-decide-who-wins-a- foreclosure-case。   

还有一些案件,在不通知房屋所有人的情况下就做出了即决判决:Jeff Barnes, "Florida Courts Out of Control:  Summary Judgment Entered in Miami-Dade County Without a Hearing; 'Hallway Hearings' in Broward County; and 'Magistrate References' Without Consent in Lee County; Due Process Being Thrown Out the Window," Foreclosure Defense Nationwide,September 15, 2010, http:  //foreclosuredefensenationwide. com/? P=282。


她的工作就是“清理案件”:Morgenson and Fabrikant,“Florida's High-Speed Answer"。

一个小时后,埃普丽尔收到苏德法官的电子邮件: Matt Taibbi,“Invasion of the Home Snatchers," Rolling Stone, November 10, 2010。

丽莎联系了知名的哈佛法学教授(他教过奥巴马总统)劳伦斯·特拉伯: Charlie Savage, "For an Obama Mentor,A Neloulous Legal Niche,"New York. Times, April 8, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《止赎欺诈》定期发布全国各地抵押贷款行业员工的质证记录:Michael Redman, "Bryan Bly, Is It a Lie? Robo-Signer for Nationwide Title," 4closurefraud. org, June 20, 2010; Michael Redman, "Cheryl Samons Notary Fraud? Full Deposition of David J.  Stem's Notary Shannon Smith,”4closurefraud.  org, July 16, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址通用汽车金融服务公司答应了:Order Granting Defendant’s Motion for Sanctions, TCIF RE02, LLC v. Martin L. Leibowitz, Circuit Court of the Fourth Judicial Circuit,  in and for Duval County,  Florida,  Case No.  16-2004-CA-4835-XXXX.MA,May 15, 2006, available at https: //www.nclc. o吩irnages/pdf/litigation/archibald-exhibits'l-4. pdf。

“这些机构太多了,我无法一一举例。”:Deposition of Jeffrey Stephan, GMAC Mortgage v.  Ann Michelle Perez et al, Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit,  in and for Palm Beach County,  Florida,  Case No.50-2008-CA-040805XXXX-MB,December10,2009,available at http: /,/api. ning. com/files/s4SMwlZXvPu4A7kq7XQUsGW9xEcYtqNMPCmOa2hISJu88PoY6ZNqanX7XK41Fyf9gV8JIHDme7KcF02cvHqSEMcplJ8vwnDT/091210gmacmortgagevsannmneul. pdf。

“此声明基于证明人的个人知识做出。”: Sample of A伍davit in Support of Mortgage Indebtedness, available at www.  mortgage-investments.com/wp/wp-content/uploads/Sample%20Forms%20Downloads/2  一affidavit-in-proof-of-claim. pdf。

“如果不是因为人们失去家园的事实,这些质证记录相当可笑”:Michael Redman,  "Full Deposition of Jeffrey Stephan-GMAC's Assignment/Affidavit Slave-10, 000 Documents a Month," 4closurefraud.  org, March 22, 2010。

她住在正对一座建筑工地的木结构的小房子里: David Streitfeld,“Froma Maine House,  a National Foreclosure Freeze," New York Times,October 14, 2010。

艾斯律所使得斯蒂芬承认,科瓦塔诺夫斯基是他老板:Deposition of Jeffrey Stephan, GMAC Mortgage v. Ann Michelle Perez et al。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址我会比较本金余额,复核利息:Oral deposition of Jeffrey Stephan,Federal National Mortgage Association v. Nicolle M. Bradbury, Maine District Court, District Nine, Division of North Cumberland, Docket No.BRI-RE-09-65, June 7,2010, available at http: //graphics8.  nytimes.com/packages/pdf/business/15mainestephandeposition. pdf。

6月15日,他把斯蒂芬的质证记录发在自己的网站上: Matthew Weidner,“New Robo Signer Deposition Jeffrey Stephan,”June 15, 2010,http: //mattweidnerlaw. com/new-robo-signer-deposition-jeffrey-stephan。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址迈克尔·雷德曼也看到了,并在《止赎欺诈》上转载了: Redman,“2nd Deposition of Jeffrey Stephan"。

斯蒂芬在证明书里写他了解证明书所陈述的事实: Martha Neil,"Humbl;e Maine Home, Ex-Lawyer at Epicenter of Storm over Defective Docs in Foreclosure Cases," American Bcn' Association Journal, October 15, 2010。

佛罗里达逾期法务集团最近收到通知: Notice in the case of Bank of New York Mellon Trust Company v.  Roberto J.  Sanchez et al., Circuit Court of the Fifteenth Judicial Circuit, in and for Palm Beach County,Florida, Case No. 50-2008-CA-027182, September 7, 2010, available at www.scribd. com/doc/37455360/FDLG-dmits-to-Violation-of-Professional-Conduct-Code-Jeffrey-Stephan-Affidavits-GM AC. Also Michael Redman,"What,  What ! ! ! Re: Jeffrey Stephan of GMAC-Florida Default Law Group Admits to Violation of Professional Conduct Code," 4closurefraud. org,September 14,2010。

丽莎在她的网站上贴了一张全境通告:Lisa Epstein,“An出ology of the Works of a Prolific Robosigner: Jeffrey Stephan of GMAC (Compilation in Progress),” Foreclosure Hamlet, September 14, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址琳恩在搜索时发现了一份由斯蒂芬签署的她的公寓的抵押贷款转让协议:  Assignment of Mortgage, Clerk and Comptroller of Palm Beach County Public Records, book 23845, page 381, Recorded May 13, 2010。

拉姆齐·哈里斯:George Andreassi,“Neighbors Aid Disabled VeteIan Ripped Off During Eviction from Rocky Point House," Treasure Coast Palm,September 17, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“机器签署人”琳奎达·阿洛泰证实: Michael Redman,“Now I Am Pissed-Disabled Vet Evicted, Home Trashed Out, Property Stolen by Jack Booted Thugs," 4closurefraud.  org, September 19, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址通用汽车金融服务公司宣布在二十三个州暂停所有的止赎活动:David Streitfeld, "GMAC l-lalts Foreclosures in 23 States for Review," New Yor,te Times,September 20,2010。

《华盛顿邮报》的一位记者也采访了迈克尔:Brady Dennis,“‘Robo-Signer' Played Quiet Role in Huge Number of Foreclosures," Washington Post, September 22, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《每日商业评论》的阿博特:Paola Iuspa-Abbott,“Grassroots Effort Leads to Attorney General Probe,"  Daily Business Review,  September 7, 2010,available at https: //web. archive. org/web/20100911083631/http://www.  dailybusinessreview.  com/news.  html?  news_id= 65012。

艾斯律所质证杰夫瑞·斯蒂芬的视频:  Michael Redman,“Full Ⅵdeo DepositionofJeffreyStephan??? Assignment/AffidavitSlave,"4closurefraud.  org, September 28, 2010。

“一个老瘪四与大头蛋”:Taibbi,“Invasion of the Home Snatchers"。

“那不可能是真的。”: Yves Smith,“Meet GMAC's Robo SignerJeffrey Stephan,”Naked Capitalism(blog), September 30, 2010. http: //www.nakedcapitalism.com/2010/09/meet-gmacs-robo-signer-jeffiey-stephan. html。

“这份质证记录甚至比斯蒂芬的更好。”: Michael Redman,“GMAC,You Ain't the Only One-Full Deposition of Beth Cottrell Chase Home Finance-Robo- Signer          Extraordinaire ,  "           4closurefraud .          org ,           September 21, 2010。

“我认为我的工作人员了解这些内容,”: Michael Redman,“Full Deposition  of  Beth  Cottrell  Chase  Home  Finance-Robo-Signer Extraordinaire,”4closure fraud.org, May 27, 2010。

但是大多数房屋所有人从来没有进行过辩护: Jennifer Brunner,Culxalus and Courage  (Columbus, OH:  Little Blue Valiant,  2012) ,  527。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址布伦纳得到这一消息后问德特巴奇:Jennifer Brunner referral letter to U.  S. Attorney Steven Dettelbach re: Foreclosure Fraud, accessed at www.scribd. oom/doc/38478473/Jennifer-Brunner-Ohio-Secretary-of-State-Referral-Letter-to-U-S-District-Attomey-Steven-Dettelbach-RE-Foreclosure-Fraud. Also Jennifer  Brunner,  “ Notarize  This:  The  Brewing  Foreclosure  Storm,"Huffmgton Post, October 1, 2010。

大通住房金融公司声明将暂停所有审判州的止赎业务: David Streitfeld,  "JP-Morgan Suspending Mortgage Foreclosures," New York Times,September 29, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址《难以置信的神秘主义者》:Monty Python's Flying Circus,episode 35,transcript available at www.  ibras.  dk/montypython/episode35.  htm。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址查第二天根据迈克尔的研究写了一篇报道: Ariana Eunjung Cha,“Ally's Mortgage Documentation Problems Could Extend Beyond 23 States,"Washington Post, September 23,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址金·米勒在《棕榈滩邮报》发布了丽莎的一条提示:Kimberly Miller, "More Foreclosure Affidavits Withdrawn as Another Document Signer Identified," Palm Bmch Post,  SeI?tember 27, 2010。

包括琳达·格林签署的,她是臭名昭着的DocX公司的“机器签署人”: Lisa Epstein, "Shaprio[sic: Fishman, 'Linda Green of DocX Had No Signing Authority on Behalf of MEP,S,' " Foreclosure Hamlet, August26, 2010。

迈克尔·奥林尼克在除大通以外的其他银行的几十起止赎案件中发现了贝斯·科特雷尔的名字: Michael Redman,“Promiscuous Girl Beth Cottrell-Looks  Like  She  Had  Multiple Partners  ( J3anks) ,"  4closurefraud.org, October 1, 2010。

“通用汽车金融服务公司的公告是蘑菇云”:Streitfeld,“jPMorgan Suspending Mortgage Foreclosures"。

修复有缺陷的抵押贷款将花费12.95美元:Michael Reclman,“Psst.Hey You,  Yea, You.I Got Just What You Need.  Lender Processing Services' DOCX Document Fabrication Price Sheet," 4closurefraud.  org, October 2,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址正如金融博客《裸眼看资本主义》的作者伊夫,史密斯所说: Yves Smith,“ 4closurefraud  Posts  DocX  Mortgage  Document  Fabrication  Price Sheet," Nalzed Capitalism  (blog),  October 3, 2010。

如果你是对的,我们就玩完了:Yves Smith,“FUBAR Mortgage Behavior: Florida Banks Destroyed Notes; Others Never Transferred Them,"Naked Capitalism  (blog) ,  September 27,  2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址杰森和房利美都拥有这套房子:Harriet Johnson Brackey,“Lauderdale Man's Home Sold Out from Under Him in Foreclosure Mistake," Fort IdlJderdale SurvSentinel,September 23, 2010。

美国银行正在对另一套没有抵押贷款的房子进行止赎: Lee Weisbecker, "Cooper: BofA Foreclosed on Homeowner Who Paid Cash,"Triangle B16iness JoLJf7mI,October 7,2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址马丁和柯尔斯顿·戴维斯:Teresa Dixon Murray,“Mortgage Forcclosure Uproar Sweeps Up Northeast Ohioans," Clevelnnd Plain工》dh,October 17。2010。

南希·雅可比尼: Joel Siegel,Felicia Biberica,and David Muir,"Mortgage Bullies?: Banks Accused of Illegally Breaking into Homes Facing Foreclosure," ABC News, October 11, 2010; "Housing Crisis Reaches New Low," Dylan Ratigan Show, October 6, 2010; "Why Are Bailed-Out Banks Breaking into Struggling Borrowers' Homes7" Democracy Now, October 12, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址“其中不容许任何错误存在。”:Barry Ritholtz,“Why Foreclosure Fraud Is So Dangerous to Property Rights,"  The Big Picture (blog), October 12, 2010, www. ritholtz. com/blog/2010/'10/why-foreclosure-fraud-is-so-dangerous-to-property-rights。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址得克萨斯和佛罗里达的一些人被银行夺走了房子:J3arry Ritholtz,“What's the Foreclosure,”The Big Picture  (blog), October 12, 2010, www.ritholtz.  com/blog/2010/10/whats-the-foreclosure; CNBC, air date October 11, 2010,5:00 p, m. ET。

没有产权保险,也就没人会冒险购买这些房产: David Streitfeld,“Company Stops Insuring Titles in Chase Foreclosures," New York Times,October2,2010。

美国银行暂缓了起诉州的止赎活动: Robbie Whelan,“Bank of America Suspends Foreclosures," Wall Street Journal, October 2, 2010。

康涅狄格州叫停了所有的止赎活动: Ariana Eunjung Cha,"Connecticut Halts All Foreclosures for All Banks," Washington Post, October 1, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址格雷森制作了一个通俗易懂的止赎欺诈视频: Alan Grayson,“Fraud Factories: Rep. Alan Grayson Explains the Forcclosure Fraud Crisis,"September      30,2010,http://www  youtube.com/watch?  v﹦AqnHLDeeclVg。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址俄亥俄州总检察长理查德·科德雷宣布了对通用汽车金融服务公司诉讼案的判决: David Dayen, "Ohio Attorney General Sues GMAC, Seeks $ 25,  000 per False Affidavit,"  FDL News Desk,  October 6,  2010,http:  //shadowproof. com/2010/10/06/ohio-attomey-general-sues-gmac-seeks-25000-per-false-affidavit。

联邦银行监管机构对主要抵押贷款服务商的所有止赎程序开启了正式审查:  Ariana  Eunjung  Cha,  “7 Major Lenders Ordered to Review Foreclosure Procedures,’’Washington Post, September 30, 2010。

10月8日,美国银行将止赎的暂缓范围扩大到全部五十个州: llyce Glink, "J3ank of America, Ally Bank Extend Foreclosure Freeze to All 50 States,” CBS IVlar-ketwatch, October 8, 2010。

摩根大通、通用汽车金融服务公司、利顿贷款公司以及花旗银行紧随其后:“Texas Mortgage Company Halts Some Foreclosures," Associated ress, October 8, 2010. Accessed at https:  //www.  victoriaadvocate  com/0 10/oct/0 8/bc-us-litton- foreclosureS/。

但他们的机器签署人——谢·莫厄最终也遭到质证: Suzanne Kapner,  "Wells Adds to Crisis over Home Seizures,"  Financial Times,  October 抖,  2010;  Jia  Lynn  Yang,  “ Wells  Fargo  Acknowledges  Problems  in Foreclosure Paperwork,”Washington Post,October 27, 2010。

上海龙凤shlf最新地址10月13日,全美五十个州的总检察长宣布对止赎欺诈进行调查:Ray Sanchez, "Foreclosure Mess: 50 States Investigate Mortgage-Services Industry," ABC News, October 13, 2010。